Berto Jongman: Symour Hersh Deep Look at Obama versus the US Military on Syria

Military to Military Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war ‘If Assad fails,’ Lin wrote in a paper published in September, ‘jihadi fighters from Russia’s Chechnya, China’s Xinjiang and India’s Kashmir will then turn their eyes towards the home front to continue jihad, supported by a new and well-sourced Syrian operating …

RT: ISIS Sarin Provided by West, Via Turkey, Into Syria

Turkish MP faces treason charges after telling RT ISIS used Turkey for transiting sarin A treason investigation has been launched against a Turkish MP who alleged in an exclusive interview with RT that Islamic State jihadists delivered deadly sarin gas to Syria through Turkey. Erdem noted that the chemicals used for the production of weapons …

Paul Craig Robert: Paris a False Flag to Legalize US War on Syria and Bury Trump-Sanders — Is This Another Foreign Policy Coup?

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations — Paul Craig Roberts The only benefactor of the Paris attack is the Western political establishment and Washington’s goal of unseating Assad in Syria. The Paris attack has removed the threat to the French, German, and British political establishments from the National Front, Pegida, and the UK Independence Party. …

Owl: Obama Sends SOF to Syria — As Targets

Ghost War in Syria: Russian Spetsnaz Facing U.S. Army Special Forces: “There Is Bound to Be Shooting” Key takeaway: ” Now here’s an excerpt from the UK Daily Mail that clearly shows the stage is being set for the upcoming Ghost War between Spetsnaz and the U.S. Army Special Forces, as such: