Veterans Today: Dick Cheney Accepts Home Arrest, Avoids Canada

To Avoid Being Locked Up in Canada Cheney Stays Locked Up At Home Dick Cheney Opts for House Arrest Rather Than Face the Ire of Canada’s Citizen Jurists Who Insist That Domestic and International Laws Prohibiting Torture, Genocide, Aggressive Warfare, and 9/11 Fraud Must be Enforced on One of the World’s Most Notorious Criminals by …

Reference: US Veteran Suicides – 1000 Attempts Each Month, 18 Actual Deaths by Suicide Each Day

“Shh” Email: 1,000 Suicide Attempts per Month, 18 Suicides per Day On April 21, the first day of trial, the now-infamous VA internal December 2007 email written by Dr. Ira Katz, the VA’s mental health director, was submitted as evidence. The email states that 12,000 veterans per year under VA care were attempting suicide. Widely …

Graphic: US Combat Veteran Unemployment & Suicide [Current Suicide Headline Links Added]

Source of original graphic (blue). Red added by Phi Beta Iota. Sources for suicide below.  The US Government lies to the public with deliberate manipulation of government statistics.  The actual unemployment rate in the USA today is closer to 25%, and from this we speculate that the actual unemployment rate in the USA for veterans, …

Joseph Stiglitz: The True Cost of 9/11 — Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day

The True Cost of 9/11 Trillions and trillions wasted on wars, a fiscal catastrophe, a weaker America. By Joseph E. Stiglitz Slate, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 The Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks by al-Qaida were meant to harm the United States, and they did, but in ways that Osama Bin Laden probably never imagined. President …