Veteran Administration Lies & Active Deceit–Covering Up Uranium Exposure, Suicides, Psychosis

The Politics of War: Are We Allowing US Vets to Die from Uranium Exposure? CityWatch The Russ Report Katherine Russ, March 26, 2011 EXTRACT:  DU contains less than one third as much U-235 and U-234 as natural uranium. The external radiation dose from DU is about 60% of that from the same mass of natural …

Journal: Over $1 trillion Wasted on Wars, Veterans and Families of Veterans Vocal Against Both Elective Wars

$1 trillion wasted on wars By KEVIN RAFFERTY Aug 4, 2010 Special to The Japan Times HONG KONG — The calculator busily counting out how much money the United States has spent on wars since 2001 has raced past $1 trillion — $1,024 billion plus at the start of August. There is little point in …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

The attached report in the New York Times portrays, perhaps inadvertently, some of the mental effects of the Taliban’s (really the Afghan) style of war, note particularly an impression of being surprised by the tactical skill exhibited by the Aghan insurgents.  In that sense, this report compliments and reinforces the far more detailed information in …