Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele

As we all observe with stunning detachment the symbiotic continuance of Bush-Obama Democratic-Republican support to the Wall Street looting of America led by Goldman Sachs, whose executives continue to “own” the Department of the Treasury and the Bank of New York (Federal Reserve), I believe it helpful to itemize some legitimate grievances that could inspire …

Review: The Amish Way–Patient Faith in a Perilous World

Donald B. Kraybill Steven M. Nolt David L. Weaver-Zercher Three World-Class Authors on Amish Create Single Distillation November 28, 2010 I bought this book because two colleagues, Howard Rheingold and Kevin Kelly, are both working on books about the Amish in relation to technology, with the key thought being that when the Amish adopt or …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Expands to the Seas

China-Burma: Construction of a high-speed rail link between China’s southwestern province of Yunnan and Myanmar will begin in two months. The line will link Kunming, Yunnan’s capital to Yangon (Rangoon), on the Indian Ocean, according to Wang Mengshu, an academic from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Wang said a China-to-Cambodia high-speed rail connection is under …

Review (Guest): America by Heart–Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag

Sarah Palin Book ‘America By Heart’ Hits Obama, Defends Actions (ADVANCE EXCERPTS) Sam Stein and Lisa Shapiro, Huffington Post 19 November 2010 In her newest book, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin sharply criticizes the record of President Barack Obama while defending her own, in the process offering an unapologetic vision of conservative politics that strongly …

Journal: Taliban’s grip is far stronger than the West will admit

Afghanistan – behind enemy lines James Fergusson returns after three years to Chak, just 40 miles from Kabul, to find the Taliban’s grip is far stronger than the West will admit Independent, 14 November 2010 The sound of a propeller engine is audible the moment my fixer and I climb out of the car, causing …