Koko: Wall Street Occupation Continues, Ignored by Media

Occupy Wall Street Protest Being Systematically Ignored by Mainstream Media Even a rather non-observant person would have noticed by now that the Occupy Wall Street protest is being ignored by the mainstream media, or at least not taken seriously. Corporate-owned media knows its masters well. DJ Pangburn Death & Taxes, 23 September 2011 Read full …

Koko: Day of Rage 17 September–How Will it End?

Koko Signs:  Is anyone paying attention?  We gorillas consider this kind of thing extremely significant. U.S. Day of Rage planned for Saturday — an Arab Spring in America? By Elizabeth Flock Thousands of people from across the country are planning to converge on Wall Street this Saturday to protest America’s “corrupt democratic process” and the …

Chuck Spinney: Can USA Move Beyond 9/11 Pathology?

CS Note: Lightly reformatted by text unchanged and nothing added Can the United States move beyond the narcissism of 9/11? The unity brought about by the tragedy was intense but fleeting. The war on terror has been disastrous abroad and divisive at home Gary Younge, guardian.co.uk, Sunday 4 September 2011 18.00 In the immediate aftermath of …