Patrick Meier: Social Media and Hurricane Sandy – Creative Mash-Ups, Twitter Peer-Review in Real Time to Sort Fake from Real

What Was Novel About Social Media Use During Hurricane Sandy? Posted on October 31, 2012 We saw the usual spikes in Twitter activity and the typical (reactive) launch of crowdsourced crisis maps. We also saw map mashups combining user-generated content with scientific weather data. Facebook was once again used to inform our social networks: “We are …

Eagle: Iceland Leads the Way – Jails the Bankers, Fires the Unethical Politicians, and Crowd-Sources their Constitition

Icelanders approve their crowd-sourced constitution Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians. Read full article. Phi Beta Iota:  Iceland was agile and ethical. No other country in …

Yoda: Google Evil – Threat to National & Individual Security

Google’s data mining raises questions of national security The ability of any company to ‘mine the mosaic’ of personal data has consequences far beyond individuals’ privacy Bryan Cunningham, Monday 15 October 2012 An imminent report on an emerging threat to individual privacy to be issued by the European data protection authorities raises even more …

Search: M4IS2 [as of 20121013]

M4IS2 Definitions: M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making Graphic: Core Force for Multinational and Whole of Government Operations In “borderless” cyberspace, nation states struggle — M4IS2 Anyone? Multi-National Decision-Support Centres at P2P Foundation Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game Robert Steele: Data Is the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About …

Patrick Meier: Social Mobilization via Six Degrees of Separation with Comment

Six Degrees of Separation: Implications for Verifying Social Media Posted on September 18, 2012 | Leave a comment The Economist recently published this insightful article entitled” Six Degrees of Mobilisation: To what extent can social networking make it easier to find people and solve real-world problems?” The notion, six degrees of separation, comes from Stanley Milgram’s [small world] …

Koko: Cities are Jungles – Fruit Should Grow in Jungles

Koko like. Fruitful disobedience: Guerrilla Grafters grow undercover orchards A secret operation in San Francisco disregards city regulations and grafts fruit branches onto non fruit-bearing public trees, hiding farm-fresh produce in an urban environment. Officials have banned fruit trees from the city sidewalks in the hopes that it will help keep urban areas clean and …