Dolphin: Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution

Real democracy, technologically-enabled. Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians. A constitution is a deeply serious thing: the bedrock of a country’s …

Berto Jongman: Palantir “Demo” on Identifying Rebel Groups in Syria

Identifying Rebel Groups in Syria: An Analytical Methodology Nov 2, 2012 – Joseph Holliday In a narrated demonstration, Joseph Holliday presents his methodology to identify and track rebel groups in Syria. Using international media, YouTube videos, and Facebook pages, he verifies and describes rebel activity and assigns responsibility to named rebel groups. Often publishing records …

Yoda: Digital Communications Revolution

Open Internet, Force Is…. Digital Communications Revolution The importance of a revolution in digital and communications technology has risen in importance since 2011. Interestingly, the most significant proportion of respondents came from Latin America, who particularly emphasised explosions in social media and mobile phones. Respondents from this region had a particularly higher focus on this …

Robert Steele: HP Claims Fraud at Autonomy — Could Autonomy Defense be that HP is Stupid?

Want to save several billion dollars, increase market share with innovation, and not be stupid in the IT arena?  The answer is simple: do not buy other software companies (go all in on Open Source Everything); and if you must buy something, consult Stephen E. Arnold, CEO of Arnold IT, first.  HP is a potentially …

Review: Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East

NOW AVAILABLE AT AMAZON Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels 5.0 out of 5 stars Influential, Integrative, with Integrity, Avoids Three Core Topics December 6, 2012 Here’s what is really great about this book: 01)  The authors are connected, admired, and conversant with the great minds of Silicon Valley (Eric Schmidt offers a very strong blurb) …

Michel Bauwens: Douglas Rushkoff Overview of the Collaborative Economy

Archive for ‘P2PF/Orange Report’: Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy full appendixes Posted on October 31, 2012 Rushkoff on “Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy Report” “There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative …

Mini-Me: Germans Suspect Federal Reserve Bank of NY Has Stolen 1536 MetricTonnes of Gold — On Tim Geithner’s Watch

Huh? Germans demand bullion back after Federal Reserve refuses to let them view their own gold Marc Howe, 1 November 2012 A secret report by Germany’s Federal Audit Office leaked to the public last week states that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow Bundebank staff to even view the gold, …