Berto Jongman & Jan Rappoport: Question Authority? You Must Be Crazy.

In the Dutch media there wqs a discussion today about an opinion poll about support for conspiracy theories organized by a Dutch university research group. The researchers used the same arguments as in the NYT piece. If you ask sensible questions and don’t believe the official narrative you must be crazy and have low self …

Neal Rauhauser: Syria, Regional War, The Only Red Line That Matters + Syria Meta-RECAP

The Only Red Line That Matters Conclusion: Here are what I hope are a fairly complete laundry list of the issues: NATO member Greece has collapsed, triggering regional banking meltdown concerns Banks of Cyprus collapsed, Russian offshore banking haven taken out by Greek troubles Russian ally Assad’s Syria is failing, loss of Tartus would exclude …

Jon Rappoport: How Rockefeller Couped Nixon, and Every President Since Then Has Been Owned…

Flashback: Watergate, Nazis, Nixon, Rockefeller by Jon Rappoport May 15, 2013 Watergate eventually became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president. Try to think of another major story in your lifetime where the reporters themselves took center stage, and in the process nearly eclipsed their own work. …

Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage  “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?” – Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.  By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows) The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon …

Jon Rappoport: Media-School-Sock Puppet Cycle on Toy-Gun Propaganda

The toy-gun arrests use “actors” May 10, 2013 There are two ways to cast a movie. You bring in professional actors and have them read, or you go out and hire “real people” for the parts. The second way is sometimes used for the cameos. That’s the case with the completely insane arrests, school …