Jim Fetzer: Can the Ghost of JFK Save Obama, Call Out Papa Bush, & Expose Texas’Treason? + LBJ-Texas-CIA Assassination RECAP

JFK 50th: The keys to understanding his assassination On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting the premiere event to commemorate the 50th observance of the JFK assassination. Presenting cutting-edge research on the death of our 35th President that holds the keys to understanding what took place, it will feature some of …

Berto Jongman: Overview of How NSA Can Socially Graph Anyone Into Virtual Nakedness — Always

How to Build a Secret Facebook By Alex Pasternack Motherboard, 10 June 2013 Since retiring from a three-decade career at the NSA in 2001, a mathematician named William Binney has been telling anyone who will listen about a vast data-gathering operation being conducted by his former employers. “Here’s the grand design,” he told filmmaker Laura Poitras last year. “You …

Berto Jongman & Jon Rappoport: NSA & Big Money — Could Wall Street, Elite Pedophiles, CIA, Political Crime Families & the Vatican Want NSA Crippled?

Big Money and the NSA Scandal … How Dangerous is the “Security/Digital Complex”? Richard Eskow Institute of Ethics & Emerging Technologies, June 10, 2013 It should be self-evident that recent NSA revelations bring up some grave concerns about civil liberties. But they also raise other profound and troubling questions – about the privatization of our …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan to US/CIA – Stop the Drones or We Will + Drone Operator on Video – “I felt like a sociopath”

Pakistan: In response to two US drone attacks since taking his oath of office last week, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif issued an official statement after his first cabinet meeting. “The policy of protesting against drone strikes for public consumption, while working behind the scenes to make them happen, is not on.” He told the cabinet …

Mini-Me: CIA Baiting the Chinese?

Huh? Details about Edward Snowden’s life in Maryland emerge Baltimore Sun, 10 June 2013 EXTRACT: Whether Snowden will give away — among other intelligence secrets he claimed to know — the locations of every CIA base overseas and identities of its undercover officers is unclear. Read full article.

Jon Rappoport: Is Ed Snowden a CIA Dangle to China?

NSA leaker: are there serious cracks in Ed Snowden’s story? www.nomorefakenews.com First, I’m not doubting the documents Ed Snowden has brought forward. I’m not doubting the illegal reach of the NSA in spying on Americans and the world. But as to how this recent revelation happened, and whether Ed Snowden’s history holds up…I have questions. …