Journal: Tea Party Manipulated, Idle Angry Minds Being Exploited…

The author of attached article in the Guardian, George Monbiot is a pious Global Warming enthusiast. He probably despises the Koch brothers because they are funding anti-global warming efforts.  But setting the writer’s biases aside, as well as his somewhat condescending tone, his report (which is based primarily on the New Yorker’s brilliant expose of …

Reference: Reader-to-Leader Framework–Motivating Technology-Mediated Social Participation

The Reader-to-Leader Framework: Motivating Technology-Mediated Social Participation Jennifer Preece, University of Maryland1 Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland2 Abstract Billions of people participate in online social activities. Most users participate as readers of discussion boards, searchers of blog posts, or viewers of photos. A fraction of users become contributors of user-generated content by writing consumer product …