INTERVIEW: Open Everything – with Robert David STEELE Vivas UPDATED to Add Parts V and VI

Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas David Balaban Privacy PC, April 2-8, 2013 PART I  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas This section open with Mr. Steele’s thoughts on CIA and CIA IT. PART II:  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas. Part 2 This section of …

1976-2015: Analytic, Methodological, & Technical Models 2.2

SHORT URL: Updated 5 September 2015 1976 PREDICTING REVOLUTION Conditions existing in USA today are in red. 1976 Thesis: Theory, Risk Assessment, and Internal War: A Framework for the Observation of Revolutionary Potential 2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution Graphic: Preconditions …

Reference: DNI Global Threat Testimony 2013

2013-03-12 DNI to SSCI Threat Assessment HIGHLIGHTS: Recognizes how quickly and radically the world — and our threat environment — are changing. “This environment is demanding reevaluations of the way we do business, expanding our analytic envelope, and altering the vocabulary of intellignece.  Threats are more diverse, interconnected, and viral than at any other time …

David Isenberg: Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013

Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013 By Marcus P. Zillman, Published on December 18, 2012 (Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals) Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators ( is a keynote presentation that I have been delivering over the last several years, and much of my information comes from the extensive research that …

Robert Steele: HP Claims Fraud at Autonomy — Could Autonomy Defense be that HP is Stupid?

Want to save several billion dollars, increase market share with innovation, and not be stupid in the IT arena?  The answer is simple: do not buy other software companies (go all in on Open Source Everything); and if you must buy something, consult Stephen E. Arnold, CEO of Arnold IT, first.  HP is a potentially …

Yoda: Big Data Hype Small Data Hype Visualization Hype – “Technology is not a substitute for thinking”

With them, force is. “Technology is not a substitute for thinking.” Robert Steele “Bandwidth is more expensive than pilots.” Professor Robert Owen Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University The future is now: 10 startups leading the way in ‘big data’ Christina Farr VentureBeat, October 16, 2012 Police are mixing crime data and sociological information to anticipate incidences of crime. A …