Robert Steele: Cutting the US Military Budget – and Firing the Civilian and Uniformed “Leaders” Betraying the Public Trust + RECAP

On those rare occasions when two of our contributing editors hold diametrically opposite views, I am asked to come back and blend them.  Here are my premises, followed by a selection of articles that represent both sides of the argument. 1.  Neither Barack Obama nor Leon Panetta have a clue.  They are posturing on the …

NYC: Day After Thanksgiving, Military with Machine Gun Outside of Bakery/Pastry Shop

NYC Port Authority Terminal, November 25, 2011 Jason Liszkiewicz Returning from a bus trip, I walked passed a man with a machine gun outside of a “bakery” (pastry-type cafe). I walked up to him and asked why was he outside of a bakery with a machine gun. His only reply was “9/11.” The Department of …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef to McCain on Sequester + RECAP on DoD Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Invite your attention to pages 5 thru 7 of attached which outlines in very clear terms the likely FY 2013 and longer term impacts on the Department of Defense and the Joint Force of the impending sequester brought about by this week’s dereliction of duty on the part of the Senators and Representatives making up …

Review: Who’s To Say What’s Obscene – Politics, Culture, and Comedy in America Today

Paul Krassner 5.0 out of 5 stars Less Funny, More Provocative–Price is a WOW,November 20, 2011 First, a confession. I am 59 years old and had no idea who Paul Krassner was/is. The more I read through the book the more I marveled at his pioneering endeavors and their continuing relevance as Occupy struggles to …