John Steiner: Occupy Meets the US Constitution

A real-life story illuminates the Occupy process (when it works), and the importance of educating everyone on the Constitution and how it is being violated today. October 29, 2011 SCHULZ GOES TO WALL STREET Gives The Constitution A Voice Direct Link to Online Source Full Text Below for Ease of Automated Translation  

DefDog: Department of State Screws Over Truth-Teller – Ties in to Robert Steele’s Legal Action Against DIA and DOHA

I am curious as to how this will play out in court if some of you come together to do a class action on State and Defense practices like this. Diplomat Loses Top Secret Clearance for Linking to WikiLeaks Kim Zetter WIRED, 19 October 2011 A veteran U.S. State Department foreign service officer lost his …