Vendor Pitch Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Vendor Fleming Icosystem 2006 US Vendor Lederman Deep Web Technologies 2006 US Vendor Proctor IBM’s Text Analytic OS Architecture 2006 US Vendor Ruh CISCO’s Application Oriented Network 2004 US Vendor Dietz LEXIS-NEXIS Open Sources on North Korea 2004 US Vendor Dietz Top Ten Stories on North Korea 2001 US Vendor NA Bright Planet …

Reader Training Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

1997 US Reader Admin Cover, Appreciation, Foreword, Contents 1997 US Reader Basch Secrets of the SuperSearchers: A Personal and Practical Perspective 1997 FR Reader Baumard Learned Nations: Competitive Advantages Through Knowledge Strategies 1997 FR Reader Bonthous Culture: The Missing Intelligence Variable 1997 UK Reader Collier Toward the Global Information Industry and a New Information Paradigm …

Process Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Process CRS Data Mining and Homeland Security 2006 US Process Turnbull GSA Collaborative Workshop on Information Sharing 2005 US Process Clapper Interview 2005 US Process DNI Press Release on Appointment of ADDNI/OS 2005 US Process DNI Office of the DNI Organization Charts 2005 US Process Gerecht Need for New Clandestine Service 2005 US …

Legislation Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2004 US Legilslation 9-11 Commission Page 413 showing Open Source Agency independent of CIA under DNI 2006 US Legislation HASC House Section 931 Defense Authorization, on DoD OSINT 2006 US Legislation Simmons Political and Policy Preface to IO Book by Steele 2006 US Legislation Steele Core Questions for the Director of National Intelligence 2005 US …

Budget Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Budget Steele Open Source Agency Budget of $2 Billion a Year 2006 US Budget Steele Commercial Imagery Spending Plan 2005 US Budget Steele $2 Billion a Year Obligation Plan for Open Source Agency 2003 US Budget Steele SASC One-Pager on Recommended DoD OSINT Investment Strategy 1999 UK Budget Steele Observations on the Intelligence …