2006 Stephen E. Arnold (US) Google and Sharing Across Boundaries

Stephen E. Arnold has been the virtual Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the global multinational open source information grid, and remains the “top gun” for seeing the future of non-state civil society information technologies. PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the …

2006 Yekelo (ZA) Continental Early Warning & Information Sharing: A Military Perspective on Deterring & Resolving Complex Emergencies

South Africa, Military and Civilian Intelligence Community IOP ’06  Under the general leadership of Minister of Intelligence Services Ronnie Kasrils, in partnership with an extraordinary collection of individuals across all elements of the South African intelligence community, and across all countries in the continent of Africa, successfully implemented both an open source software strategy, and an …

2006 The Failure of 21st Century Intelligence (Followed by SPY IMPROV)

One of the magical things about the “wealth of networks” is the value-added that can come from voluntary social production.  Governments and businesses are only now beginning to understand this, and most do not yet understand that the future is about hybrid open everything.  Below, with a tip of the hat toEli Courtwright who says: …

Reform Archives for Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Reform Steele Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents (One Page of Links) 2004 US Reform Atlee A Model of Intelligence Systems (Individual to Social) 2004 US Reform Atlee Beyond Intelligence Reform Toward Co-Intelligence 2004 Austria Reform Beer Need for a Theory of Intelligence 2004 US Reform Harris Beautiful Minds: Maverick Minds Needed to Achieve …