John Steiner: 10 Years Late, NYT “Sees” Democracy Now!

A Grass-Roots Newscast Gives a Voice to Struggles Brian Stelter New York Times, 23 October 2011 EXTRACT Some fans as well as critics describe “Democracy Now!” as progressive, but Ms. Goodman rejects that label and prefers to call it a global newscast that has “people speaking for themselves.” She criticized networks in the United States …

Chuck Spinney: From Algeria to Libya –Lessons Not Learned + USG CIA Web of Deceit in Arabia RECAP

The triumphalism in the US surrounding the liquidation of Qadaffi may be short lived.  That is because most Americans do not appreciate how the legacy of anti-colonialism shapes the contemporary cultural DNA in North Africa or how influential that legacy has been in shaping the revolts of what is now called the Arab Spring.  There …

Gordon Cook: On the State of Economics – An Exchange Dedicated to #OWS and Society Achieving a Broader Understanding

Here is the final paragraph from an essay by John Kay titled The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics The preposterous claim that deviations from market efficiency were not only irrelevant to the recent crisis but could never be relevant is the product of an environment in which deduction …

Winslow Wheeler: Two Myths (Lies) from Leon Panetta

Panetta’s Frenzied Rhetoric Is Not Stopping the Decay of U.S. Forces Huffington Post, 14 October 2011 Before Tuesday this week, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had been sprinkling Washington D.C. with words like “doomsday mechanism,” “catastrophic,” and “shooting ourselves in the head” to describe any cuts in the Pentagon’s budget beyond the $450 billion over …