Berto Jongman: Does Power Make You Mean? Yes. Also Stupid and Very, Very Unethical

Does power make you mean? By Susanne Gargiulo CNN October 24, 2013 “Thinking Business” focuses on the psychology of getting ahead in the workplace by exploring techniques to boost employee performance, increase creativity and productivity. (CNN) — We all know the story. Someone gets promoted at work and suddenly they change — they start forgetting …

SmartPlanet: Malcolm Gladwell on Battling Giants — David and Goliath

Phi Beta Iota: This is important not as a recommendation of a rotten book (it properly skewers the author) but rather for its utility in pointing out that most successful authors are themselves captives of the very goliath we seek to put down.  Like CNN anchors, they are corrupt shills for the status quo ante, …