Review (Guest): Networked – The New Social Operating System

Lee Raine and Barry Wellman Networked, June 6, 2012 Jenny Davis Broad Summary Rainie and Wellman, using scores of data, argue that we live in a networked operating system characterized by networked individualism. They describe the triple revolution (networked revolution, internet revolution, and mobile revolution) that got us here, and discuss the repercussions of this …

Paul C. Hoffman: Upcoming Classes on “The Art of Appreciating ~ the Courage to Receive”

The Art of Appreciating – The Courage to Receive • Do you have trouble letting in the good around you? • When someone says or does something nice to you, do you get all squirmy and suspiciously nervous? Do you uncontrollably and immediately go to standard cultural programming [“Deny. Minimize! Deflect!!”] even when there’s no …

Sepp Hasslberger: Artificial Leaf Self Heals Produces Energy from Dirty Water

Producing hydrogen from water, sunlight and some catalyst-coated chips of silicon – we are getting closer to doable home electricity for the technically challenged… ‘Artificial leaf’ gains the ability to self-heal damage and produce energy from dirty water Another innovative feature has been added to the world’s first practical “artificial leaf,” making the device even more …

SchwartzReport: BP Does Not Pay Out, Continues to Screw the Gulf Coast, Uses Its Own Police to Block Journalists, Local Politicians Are Collaborating with BP Agains the Public…

The story has passed from the media’s attention. If you listen to the mainstream media, and look at all those cozy, “come on down y’all” ads BP has put up on television, things have returned as if the oil spill never happened. As this story makes clear, it is all an Orwellian propaganda lie. I …

Dolphin: REPLAY of Exclusive on CIA Psychologist’s Notes on Bush Torture Program as Human Experimentation

Now that it is clear our recent presidents are all indictable for war crimes, seemed timely to bring this 2011 publication forward again. EXCLUSIVE: CIA Psychologist’s Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush’s Torture Program Tuesday, 22 March 2011 14:29 By Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout | Investigative Report Dr. Bruce Jessen’s handwritten notes describe …

Michael Brenner: Is CIA a National Liability?

The C.I.A.: A National Liability? Michael Brenner Senior Fellow, the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Professor of International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh Huffington Post, 22 April 2013 The errant actions of the C.I.A. are by now so evident that they are a staple of Washington conversation. Like the weather, though, it is the topic everybody talks …

Jean Lievins: Social Innovation Management

Post-Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management Amani Institute in Nairobe This unique, field-based program brings together a group of competitively selected, highly talented individuals from around the world. You receive a holistic, future-oriented training endorsed by leaders across the social, business, education, and government sectors. Your 5-months in Nairobi will possess the depth and pace necessary to train for effective social …