Definitions: What Is Terrorism?

Chávez and Gaddafi urge redefining of ‘terrorism’ By Benedict Mander in Caracas Published: September 29 2009 21:43 | Last updated: September 29 2009 21:43 Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi have joined forces to urge the world to redefine “terrorism”. While emphasising the importance of attacking terrorism “in all its forms, including state …

Review: Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential

A Theological Masterpiece–A Practical Manifesto September 20, 2009 Barbara Marx Hubbard Although the author has written a more recent book, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, the later book is focused on helping the individual, while the book being reviewed focuses on the larger matter of social engineering. I was growing up in Asia …

Review: Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

Potential Straw to Break the Camel’s Back September 19, 2009 Chris Hedges I disagree with those who dismiss this book, however erudite their claims. The author first impressed me with American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. Reading this book on the heels of Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in …

Journal: Race, Class, Money & Truth

In keeping with our new-found commitment to focus on public intelligence and leave political reform to others, this commentary provides an overview  of the political scene (including political commentary from journalists lacking any independence), and concludes that what is missing from our national dialog are integrity and public intelligence. First, the political “terrain” of ideological …

Event Report: IndependentVoting.Org Telephone Conference Call with Jackie Salit

13 September 2009 1900-1940 National Telephone Conference Call Highlight: Jackie Salit and her organization, which assured the elections of both Mayor Mike Bloomberg in New York City and Barack Obama by the thinnest margin that would not have been achieved without 19 million Independents, is seeking help from the public and all organizations interested in …