Event: 2019 Conference Berlin 10-12 May 2019 Intelligence, Diplomacy, and International Relations (International Intelligence History Association)

Call for Papers for the 2019 Conference of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), organized in cooperation with the German Spy Museum in Berlin. The conference focus on „Intelligence, Diplomacy and International Relations“ and will be held on May 10-12, 2019 at the German Spy Museum (Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin, Germany). Please submit your paper proposal abstract (200-300 …

Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections Russian International Affairs Council 26 November 2018 I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the …

SPECIAL: US Attorney (New York) Acknowledges Letter Demanding Criminal Grand Jury for 9/11 and Commits to Submit Evidence to Special Grand Jury

United States Attorney Agrees to Comply with Federal Law Requiring Submission to Special Grand Jury of Report by Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Victim Family Members of Yet-To-Be-Prosecuted 9/11 Related Federal Crimes This is the first step toward indicting Dick Cheney and the various traitors that enabled the Zionist planning and execution of 9/11 beginning in …

Robert Steele: Zionism, Judaism, & the Apartheid Genocidal State of Isreal — A Super Article by Lynda Burstein Brayer

Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel: Separateness, ontological uniqueness and Jewish morality are its characteristics by Lynda Burstein Brayer for The Saker Blog “I have been asked as to what I consider to be the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There will never be a freely-agreed upon political solution unless the Jews admit …

Mongoose: UK Government Shitting Bricks — Trump Could Take Them Down Over MI-6 Involvement in Fake Russian Dossier

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe The UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation, according to The Telegraph, stating that any disclosure would “undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an …

Veterans Today: Saudi Arabia Building Nuclear Weapons?

Is Saudi Arabia Building a Nuclear Weapons Program? David Sanger and William Broad reported in The New York Times [1] on Thursday that before Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was implicated in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, American intelligence agencies were trying to solve a separate mystery: was the prince laying the groundwork …