Stephen E. Arnold: Online Pricing – Every Angle Except One – Affordable Effective Search

Online Pricing: Well, Who Knows? I read “Doubling SaaS Revenue by Changing the Pricing Model.” If you are involved in charging for online pricing, you will want to work through this write up by the founder of Kalzumeus Software. What makes the article valuable is its real world data. The article describes a “highly configurable …

Stephen E. Arnold: From Bad Search to Predictive Analytics Snake Oil

From Search to Prediction  The economic vise is closing on some search and content processing vendors. There are some significant repositioning’s underway. We are working on three at this time, and, believe me, the vendors are doing more than changing the color of the logo. As we work on our projects, we have been aware …

Stephen E. Arnold: Free Online 30 Days Only – The New Landscape of Search

The New Landscape of Search Your free copy of “The New Landscape of Search” can be downloaded from: The document will be available for the next 30 days [from 1 July] Phi Beta Iota:  150 pages.  Stephen E. Arnold remains light years ahead of government and corporate observers.  We continue to recommend The Google Trilogy, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Wizards Speak 2008-2011

Search Wizards Speak Conference presentations about search and retrieval, text mining, and content processing are often little more than sales pitches. In the last 30 years, I’ve met a number of people who have made significant contributions to information retrieval. What I want to do is periodically interview some of the more interesting “search wizards”. …

Stephen E. Arnold : The Landscape of Enterprise Search

Stephen E. Arnold: The New Landscape of Enterprise Search. A Critical Review of the Market and Search Systems. Published by Pandia, Oslo, Norway, 2011. ISBN: 978-82-998676-0-3 Pandia Book Page The following enterprise search companies are covered in detail: Autonomy Endeca Exalead Google Search Solutions Microsoft and Fast Vivisimo   Phi Beta Iota:  For over fifteen …

Stephen Arnold: Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems

Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems I believe everything I read online. Don’t you. I spotted this interesting article: “Palantir: Revolutionizing Big Data Analytics.” The write up shows a Covid dashboard and focuses on what’s called “data integration.” Putting information in an index or series of indexes so a user …

Stephen Arnold: The NSO Group Story: Inspiring, Incriminating, or Obfuscating?

The NSO Group Story: Inspiring, Incriminating, or Obfuscating? The Washington Post or Wapo to some in the DC orbit is an influential newspaper. The outfit has a connection to the world’s richest man. That billionaire’s idea for an online bookstore spawned a massive online service. One of the customers using that service was allegedly given …