Tom Atlee: TPP & Fast Track Toxic to Democracy — Call for Action

Act now re TPP and Fast Track (toxic to democracy) This month the US Congress could pass legislation that would make sure that complex trade agreements favored by multinational corporations – like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) – would be pushed through Congress with little debate and little information provided to the public. This so-called “fast-track” …

Tom Atlee: On Power

Power Power is energy that gets things done — or has obvious potential to do so. Our most common conceptions of power — especially social power — involve our ability to cause things to happen that we want to have happen. While this is definitely a major facet of power, a holistic, co-intelligence perspective suggests …

Tom Atlee: End of Year Lists and Wiser Democracy

End-of-year lists and wiser democracy Several end-of-year lists for 2013 demonstrate that things are, indeed, getting better and better and worse and worse faster and faster. Personally, one post particularly encouraged me this year. It described WHY Congress can’t generate much policy wisdom and how we could change our political and governance STRUCTURES so that …

Tom Atlee: Potent hope dances with passive hope and spectatorism

Potent hope dances with passive hope and spectatorism Optimism and pessimism are kind of like spectator sports: things are getting better – or – things are getting worse. Passive hope is wishing or believing things will turn out ok. Potent hope, in contrast, is active, intentional, and grounded in the positive potential we can observe …

Tom Atlee: The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption

The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption A LOT of developments are emerging around the climate issue – a nonviolent insurgency, offensive and defensive fossil fuel divestment efforts, insurance industry responses, new forms of agriculture, dark humor, a cross country march, municipal preparedness, US administration actions, and more.  I also encourage action on …