Tom Atlee: Random Selection as Nature’s Way of Dealing with Special Interest Manipulation

What is it about Random Selection?? In recent months I’ve discovered that random selection offers unexpected gifts to our efforts to create more fair, functional, and intelligent politics and governance. I share a key dynamic that defines random selection and show how it has been applied historically and might be used more in specific institutions …

Tom Atlee: Upshifting Empathy — and Burying Nuclear Code in a Human Who Must be Killed by the President Before Using…

Upshifting our limited empathy to face Big Issues Our empathy is built in us with a kind of disconnect which can make it hard to usefully integrate our feelings with our reason. This has profound implications for the climate crisis, the possibilities of nuclear war, and many other “extinction level” issues. A leading negotiator offers …

Tom Atlee: Climate Change as an Opportunity – Reconnecting to Place, Reality, & Reason

Climate challenges us to reconnect to place, reality and reason We are out of sync with the world and especially with “place”. We lack the insights and capacities that come from knowing a place deeply over generations and from conscious vulnerability to the real world. Our speedy technological consumer culture not only created climate change …

Tom Atlee: Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy

Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy The climate crisis is far more than an environmental issue. Adequately ramping up efforts to address it will require prioritizing a climate-justice movement which taps the potent activism of struggling peoples for whom social change is and has always been a matter of survival. …