Mongoose: Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”

Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over” First published by Global Research on September 24, 2020, this analysis of former Pfizer V-P Michael Yeadon has been the object of censorship. In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says …

David Lifschultz: Vaccine Deaths Mounting: 100,000 Dead from Coronavirus Vaccine?

Vaccine Deaths Mounting: 100,000 Dead from Coronavirus Vaccine? Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899 We recently sent out the Tucker Carlson report booted off of Facebook Totalitarian Censorship where he merely cited about 3,000 dead from the vaccinations but added that this could be off by a hundred times or that the figure …

Ann Delap: ‘Dark Moment in History’ as GMO Mosquitoes Released in Florida

‘Dark Moment in History’ as GMO Mosquitoes Released in Florida So who is funding Oxitec, the bio-tech company who developed these GMO mosquitoes? Check out this article. Once again, Bill Gates is having his way, in spite of the protests of Florida residents. What could possibly go wrong? Environmentalists said the release of up to …

Bitchute Directory

To seach by keywords, use ctrl + F and type in the word you are looking for BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing DATE TYPE SUBJECT VIDEO TITLE/ LINK 2021-04-28 Mirror Crimes Against Humanity Mirror: Juan O’Savin Update 2021-04-27 Mirror ARISE RIDE FOR THE USA — Trent Loos (Rides a Horse) …

Stephen E. Arnold: Update on Google banned words

Social media is combining algorithms that manipulate searches and polling results with Zionist-defined “hate speech” and related trolls attacking anyone daring to speak the truth about anything of substance; with dictionaries such as these that are nothing more or less that censorship guides — forbidden language, forbidden thought. See dictionary of words HERE