Dr. Christiane Northrup: #TruthWeek – Seven Days of Truth About COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity

Dear Friend,  Never before in our history, as a species or as a health freedom movement, have we needed unity and solidarity more than we do at this moment! The malicious defamation efforts by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) against several of our movement’s leaders have compelled us to create a united, coordinated …

Robert Steele: Stupid Fuck Award – Susan Benesch for “Dangerous Speech”

Tip of the Hat to Zero Hedge and Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell for identifying this moron.  People like this should be referred for psychiatric examination and removed from the public ecology of civil intelligence discourse. Susan Bensch is the first recipient of our new Stupid Fuck Award. The ‘Dangerous Speech Project’: The Swamp’s …

John Whitehead: After a Year Under Lockdown, Will Our Freedoms Survive the Tyranny of COVID-19?

  “The remedy is worse than the disease.”—Francis Bacon One way or another, the majority of Americans will survive COVID-19. It remains to be seen, however, whether our freedoms will survive the tyranny of the government’s heavy-handed response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, now that the government has gotten a taste for flexing its police …

Eagle: The Talmud Is Not the Bible and the Rothschilds Rule All

Alert Reader shares these insights: You will find a review of the Talmud in the “On The Jewish Question in Europe” published in “La Civilta Cattolica” in 1890 that predicted the Talmudic Jewish overthrow in Europe in 1933 in the next link. The most exhaustive treatise on this subject is the “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by …