Berto Jongman: Internet Balkanization, Cyber-Crime, Cyber-Espionage

Whither The Internet In An Age Of Cyber-Espionage? As everyone should know by now, not quite two weeks ago the latest nugget from Edward Snowden via Glenn Greenwald and co-authors was revealed, and was that the NSA and its UK counterpart the GSHQ “have successfully cracked much of the online encryption relied upon by hundreds …

Berto Jongman: Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community

Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community Guest Authors / Jon M. Stout of Security, 3 September 2013 At first glance, it appears that the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have the same cyber security needs as other large organizations in the commercial world. While this is true …

Berto Jongman: Cyber-Risk

Key Metrics for Risk-Based Security Management Tripwire has released the results of an extensive study focused on the state of risk-based security management with the Ponemon Institute. The study examined the key risk-based security metrics IT security managers used most frequently to gauge the effectiveness of their organizations’ overall security efforts. Top Metrics included: time …

Mini-Me: US Army Cyber Blocks Phi Beta Iota and/or Tiny URLs

Huh? “The message that you sent to an user with subject “Key references for you into the future” was not accepted for delivery since it contained URLs that Army Cyber Command has disallowed.” Phi Beta Iota:  The message was to a serving flag officer, a long-standing fan of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  When the …

Berto Jongman: The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs

The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs With all the attention pointed towards PRISM, another interesting publication was virtually overlooked. Earlier last month, a taskforce belonging to the US DoD’s Defense Science Board (DSB) released a final report titled “Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat” [PDF], that reports on the findings of an 18-month …