Search: tactical versus strategic intelligence + Meta-RECAP

An important question — the USA no longer does strategic intelligence and it has never done Whole of Government operational or tactical intelligence.  The $60B secret world is largely worthless at all four levels of analysis: STRATEGIC:  Next Generation near, 100 years our far OPERATIONAL:  Whole of Government regional and threat/topic based campaign plans, harmonized …

Eagle: Italy Showcases Movement Getting 25% of the Vote — Pirate Party USA or a Reform Coalition — Could Break the Back of the Two-Party Tyranny

Maybe Italy’s Politicians Aren’t Crazier Than Ours Alexander Stille The New Yorker, March 5, 2013 The results of the last Italian election are baffling, if not incomprehensible, to most foreign observers: as one American friend put it, a majority of Italians voted either for a comedian (Beppe Grillo) or a clown (Silvio Berlusconi). A center-left …

Mini-Me: Karl Rove’s Final Prediction – Romney by 32 Electoral College Votes – Obama Wins Big – The Fix Was In But Hispanic Voters Rule

UPDATE:  Obama won — “nine ways” was not enough to repress the Hispanic vote, 71% for Obama. Huh? Karl Rove’s final Romney-Obama prediction: A 285-253 Electoral College squeaker Andrew Malcolm, 6 November 2012 EXTRACT: Rove’s final Electoral College prediction: “Without twelve toss up states (MN, NV, CO, IA, WI, MI, OH, PA, NH, VA, …

Eagle: President Obama Tells the Truth – A Good First Step – But Can He Turn On A Dime & Force Electoral Reform in 30 Days?

Republicans pounce on Obama remark: ‘You can’t change Washington from the inside’ He has not been able to change the ‘tone’ in Washington, Obama says, calling that ‘disappointing.’ President Obama — who ran his 2008 campaign on the promise of “hope and change” — made a surprising admission after four years in office on Thursday: …

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 5 Integrity, Lies, and Panarchy Extract II

The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 5 Integrity, Lies, and Panarchy Extract II Every major segment of our society–academia, civil society [including labor unions and religions], commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/non-profit–is currently suffering from epidemic lack of integrity, which only gets worse at large scales of operation, leading to implosion from corruption …