James Fetzer: Rebecca Carnes on Sandy Hook Crime Family Structure — Malevolent Force Rules Newtown — Many Locations Across the USA?

“… A malevolent force has burrowed deep into Newtown, feeding off our good spirits like a parasite. It is especially dangerous to our most innocent – our children. What is unfolding in our town, our country and our world right now is not just a battle between truth and lies that make up our reality, …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – June 2020 — Bye Bye American Billionaires!

American Gray Swans – June 2020 Bye Bye American Billionaires! If you know the famous song by Don McLean – American Pie from the 1970’s, sorry I had to ad-lib a little to make the point. So Bye Bye American Billionaires! I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. And them …

Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.  We Are Being Played. Please Read. NOTICE HOW COVID LINKS TO EVERY SINGLE WHEEL. THAT IS BECAUSE COVID IS THE GATEWAY TO THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will …

Daniel Pinchbeck: Our Regenerative Superstars

Building Our Regenerative Future An Initiation Into Your Highest Potential Join activist authors and futurists Daniel Pinchbeck and Rory Spowers, with special guest faculty, for an initiatory journey through the social and ecological metamorphosis we need now. Unlock your hidden gifts and super powers as part of a vanguard of creators, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who …