CIA’s CTO Gus Hunt On Big Data: We ‘Try To Collect Everything And Hang Onto It Forever’ — And a Few Things Most CTOs Do Not Compute

CIA’s Gus Hunt On Big Data: We ‘Try To Collect Everything And Hang Onto It Forever’ NEW YORK — The CIA’s chief technology officer outlined the agency’s endless appetite for data in a far-ranging speech on Wednesday. VIDEO 28:30 Speaking before a crowd of tech geeks at GigaOM’s Structure:Data conference in New York City, CTO …

Penguin: Examination of Lockheed Lobbying and the C-130 Hercules

The stories are getting simple enough and ridiculous enough for the average American to start getting it. The Disturbing History of One of the Pentagon’s Most Expensive Flying Turkeys Meet the C-130 Hercules. EXTRACT The C-130 Hercules, or Herk for short, isn’t a sexy plane.  It hasn’t inspired hit Hollywood films, though it has prompted …

Steven Aftergood: Leaks That Are Good for National Security

Leak of White Paper Boosts Intelligence Oversight The unauthorized disclosure last week of a Justice Department White Paper on the legality of targeted killing of senior al Qaida operatives who are Americans had the collateral effect of strengthening congressional oversight of intelligence. Read full post with additional links. DoJ White Paper Released as a Matter …

Marcus Aurelius: The Force — How Much Military is Enough?

The Force: How much military is enough? by Jill Lepore New Yorker, January 28, 2013 Sixty-two legislators sit on the House Armed Services Committee, the largest committee in Congress. Since January, 2011, when Republicans took control of the House, the committee has been chaired by Howard P. McKeon, who goes by Buck. He has never …

Winslow Wheeler: The China Pivot and Air-Sea Battle — Institutionalized Idiocy and the Moral-Intellectual Death of Andy Marshall

The Asia Pivot–with “Air-Sea Battle” deeply embedded into it–has become the accepted wisdom in Washington for America’s post-Afghanistan national security strategy.  Is it affordable?  Is it competent? Is it even a strategy? It also presents a useful test for SecDef-designate Hagel’s ability to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding defense issues.  While Hagel has already shredded–to …