Jean Lievens: Michael Schmidt on The Internet & Ideology — war between the parasitic and productive classes

Internet & Ideology Against the Nationalist Fragmentation of Cyberspace & Against “Astroturf Activism” The Arab Spring redrew the battle-lines between over the control of information between the statist/capitalist elites and the popular classes – raising questions of increased restriction and surveillance, and of the limits of cyber-activism. In some ways this battle is often mischaracterised …

Jean Lieven: Local Motors Replay — Transformation of Design, Manufacture, and Sale of Personal Transport Vehicles

Green innovation: how Local Motors is revolutionalising the way cars and bikes are designed, manufactured and sold Alan Moore, Guardian Sustainable Business 22nd May 2013 Local Motors shares its innovations and lets customers be part of the car-building process, while keeping it local. Last year, I spoke at Shanghai’s Radical Design Week about the transformational …

Jean Lievens: Open Innovation in Food Manufacturing

Open Innovation Creates New Opportunities in Food Manufacturing Tue, 05/21/2013 – 11:16am David Feitler, PhD, Senior Program Manager, NineSigma As White Queen remarked in Lewis Carroll’s immortal story Through the Looking Glass, “…it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must …

SmartPlanet: US Encouraged to Allow Private Retaliation Attacks Against Hackers — Pathetic Insanity Spurred on by Incapacity of USG — + Cyber-Idiocy Meta-RECAP

U.S. encouraged to allow firms to retaliate against hackers Throwing money at creating cyberpolice forces and technology to keep up with digital threats may not be the only tactics the U.S. will employ in the future. As a meeting between President Obama and the new president of China, Xi Jinping, draws near, former senior officials …

Berto Jongman: State-Sponsored Industrial Cyber-Espionage

State-backed data spies hunt industrial secrets State-sponsored industrial espionage became a bigger cyber-threat to companies in 2012, a report indicates. Statistics gathered for Verizon’s annual data breach report suggested state-sponsored hacking attacks were now the number two cyber-threat. Top of the list were hackers looking to steal money after breaking into corporate networks, Often, the …

Worth a Look: Books on Open Source

2013 Bazzell, Michael (2013).  Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information.  CreateSpace. 4.0 out of 5 stars A Useful Contribution–See the Table of Contents January 30, 2013 Garbutt, John (2013). Building an OpenStack Cloud: From zero to the cloud with open source technologies.  O’Reilly Media. Publication Date: August 22, 2013 There …