Chuck Spinney: Michael Hudson on The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit

Long but well worth reading and thinking about. CS   The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit Michael Hudson [1] Posted on, 12 May 2014 Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and former Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Research at the Latvia Graduate School of Law. …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM PR in Overdrive — IBM Substance Completely Lacking

Watson and Shopping: No Service, Just an Assertion I read “Make IBM’s Watson Your Personal Shopping Assistant.” IBM wants to leapfrog,, and the aging, among other shopping services. Now quite a few people have embraced Amazon’s flawed, yet popular, recommendations service. I am trying to remember when I first noticed this somewhat …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Tells Political Truth — But Still Does Not Make Sense

Google Gets Political It’s not often in this day and age that a Fortune 500 company rattles any political cages. In most cases, companies keep their noses out of Washington, or at least disguise their motives behind lobbyists. However, Google seems to be making some striking political waves, as we discovered in a recent NBC …

Mini-Me: Nevada Stand-Off YouTubes from 773,010 Views On Down

Huh? .Ranch Riot!! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9’s. 773,010 Views Uniforms with dogs without a clue. Protesters without a clue as well. Revolution in Nevada to Save Cliven Bundy 34,286 Views Militant call to arms including plans to use force. URGENT! Nevada militia is mobilizing! Cliven Bundy ranch 22,267 …

Berto Jongman: Edward Snowden at TED – The Biggest Revelations Are Yet To Come….

Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come VANCOUVER, Canada — Edward Snowden on Tuesday said the biggest revelations have yet to come out of the estimated 1.7 million documents he acquired from the National Security Agency. In a surprise appearance via satellite robot at the 2014 TED conference in Vancouver, Snowden said there …

Emmanuel Charles McCarthy: Tenth Anniversary of War by Deceit

Tenth Anniversary of War by Deceit Emmanuel Charles McCarthy Center for Christian Nonviolence Each one deceives the other, no one speaks the truth. They have accustomed their tongues to lying… A murderous arrow is their tongue. It speaks deceitfully; with his mouth each speaks peace to his neighbor, but in his heart he lays an …