Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka

Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department Breaking: Mueller Thug Attorney Brandon Van Grack Resigns From Flynn Case, Other Govt Cases After Bombshell Documents Reveal He Hid Brady Material President Donald Trump: “I Hope a Lot of People Pay a Big Price – Because They Are Crooked, Dishonest People!” Covington — and Eric Holder — …

Donald J. Trump: Q Deleted by Facebook? Time for Trump Truth Channel and Web 3.0?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 55376d No.9039589 May 5 2020 12:11:10 (EST) NEW “We removed 5 Pages, 20 Facebook accounts, and 6 Groups that originated in the US and focused domestically. Our investigation linked this activity to individuals associated with the QAnon network known to spread fringe conspiracy theories. We found this activity as part of our …

Ann Delap: Cabal Video Series Parts 1-10 with Summaries — JFK Jr. Alive Free Energy Human Trafficking Satanic Rituals Media Manipulation Dawn of a New World

SHORT URL: General Overview This is the BEST red pill documentary expose̒ of the ugly truths about our world and the people who run it I have seen in a while. The narrator includes a lot of information in ten relatively short episodes and offers insight into the QAnon movement. Mind-blowing information for the …