Covert Action Magazine: Joe Biden As Israel’s Bitch?

Part 4 of: WHO IS JOE BIDEN, REALLY? — CAM exposes his 30-year history as a pawn of U.S.-Israel policy despite its ongoing violation of Palestinian rights and crimes against humanity. While Democrats accused Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, they don’t seem to care that Biden is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the Israeli lobby.

Art Kleiner: The Felt-Fair Economy and the Future of Economic Confidence

THE FELT-FAIR ECONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE By Art Kleiner Introduction In the 1940s, Elliott Jaques – an eminent and original organizational theorist, and the person who coined the terms “corporate culture” and “midlife crisis” – introduced a management metric he called “felt-fair pay.” He interviewed thousands of employees at hierarchical organizations around …

James Fetzer: AP, Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incendiary words–and how we know she’s right!

AP, Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incendiary words–and how we know she’s right! Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Debunking the AP: Fake News about Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) [Editor’s note: Democrats are so scared of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that they have taken the unprecedented step of stripping her of …

NOW FREE ONLINE: The Original Open Source Everything Manifesto

All Hail Daniel Pinchbeck, who got me to write this book and crafted the title, and North Atlantic Books, one of the finest publishers I have ever worked with, with Random House publishing and distribution. Writing this book changed my life. By agreement North Atlantic is taking the book out of print, and English language …