#Chat. We've agreed that chat stays open for all participants and also so useful links can be loaded as they are mentioned. Robert will not look at chat until he has finished answering the below questions.
Assemblies Do you know Kim Goguen or do you know of her? Do you know what she is doing? It looks similar to the plans you have.She has people has people around the globe setting up Assemblies to govern themselves
Biden EOs With all the damaging EOs issued by Biden, how can the damage be halted assuming he will be arrested?
Biden EOs I was wondering, if the executive orders which have been signed by Biden aren't real, why are they listed on the white house.gov website? I'm just trying to get at the truth here. If he isn't in control is all of that a front for people who are “fact checking” or is some of that “allowed” as part of the plan?
Books Are you planning on offering a boxed set of the series once it is completed? I ‘d rather buy direct from you at a premium than give Amazon the business. I have read them on line and would like to have the books themselves.
Books In searching PhiBetaIota, I did not find Dr. Sherry A. Rogers listed. In reading her Detoxify or Die book, I would highly recommend this be added for its very knowledgeable health content (i.e. prostate cancer root cause).
Canada I truly believe that 80% of US is awake. Way too many 80 % here in Canada still snore. I hope efforts will soon be made to wake them. I have heard about money system changes for US and UK but silence on Canada. What about Canada? Are we considered part of the UK?? Will we be invited to join a greater USA ( I hope) or are we going down the tubes?
China China is controlled by the CCP which is pure evil communist intrusive murdering torturing God hating and wants to enslave the USA and the world. They have no conscience and are demonic so why are you giving them a pass? You should read the Epoch Times started by communist refugees in California. Taiwan is a free country and thriving.
Chinese Was that a red chinese agent in security detail standing behind Biden at inauguration? Oriental has a US flag on 1 side but gold star with red circle in blue background on rectangular pin on other side. In other words any feedback as to whether chinese security, controller, or observer is accompanying Biden?
CIA Director What about the arrest of the CIA director ?? what became of this ?
Clones Do human clones exist? If yes, how is it accomplished? Is it possible for a trained eye see the difference?
Concerns Should we be concerned about bank accounts, brokerage accounts etc.? Should we be concerned about health care? Should we be concerned about food supply?
Constitution You, Simon & Charlie all seem to agree that the return to the orig Const.has been implemented, can you plz point me in the direction where I can verify this?Documentation? Or how have you verified it?
Corporate We hear that Biden has been elected to a corporate presidency that no longer exists. How, then, can Trump's EOs and other acts as president have legality since the corporate US ceased to exist? And, what is the validity of an election to any government office in a non-existent corporation?
Corporate Charlie Ward keeps repeating that the US Corporate Govt has been dissolved in 2018, and in the 5 way interview you did with him, Parkes and the two Stones, he says look this up at Company House. I did that and found nothing, and have done multiple searches to no avail. Can you please advise what Ward is talking about?
Corporation Keep hearing about dissolution of USA Inc. has already occurred. Would u plz be so kind to point me to source material about this?
COVID-19 Italian doctors did autopsies and found this not to be a virus but a bacterial infection. So this vaccine will not work. Gates is evil so why promote a vaccine since he owns Maderna and plans to kill us all- Would you talk about this a bit?
Craig Sawyer I watched Timothy Charles Holmseth and one video had Craig Sawyer's emails threatening Timothy. The video also said C.Sawyer is a killer hired by Cabal. But as far as I understood he was in a child rescue squad, he has been featured in TV Program, and movie… In the email he also mentioned he knows and can talk to Gen. Flynn. When I checked his Facebook, C.Sawyer is supporting Trump. I get very scared if he is really a pedo…. Very scared. WHO IS CRAIG SAWYER, do you know ? and is Gen.Flynn on Trump's side really ?
DNI Report Per DNI Ratcliffe report, there was interference in US election. Seems this is a HUGE issue, tantamount to attack by foreign country, yet no one discusses. Why? Is not Trump and US military standing down in the face of this, amount to treason, right along with the rest of DC scum?
Dog Meat Does the eating of this meat, grown with the animals in terror, cause all of the “crazy” thinking going on in the US today. Do Low minerals and high toxins also have an effect?
Double Agents on Left Without naming names, is it possible that some well known politicians on the left (that are percieved by us as being deep state employees who are deranged with TDS) are really patriots playing a part, and may be used later own to wake up the masses?
EBS I remember several days prior to the inauguration there was a lot being bandied about regarding the using Emergency Broadcast System and the “Storm is Coming”. I heard today on The Dark Outpost (Dave Dublick) that was prevented from happening due to Jarad Kushner. His thinking was that action would of cause a massive amount of bloodshed? Can you confirm/deny that and also I hear that Simon Parkes is not reliable or just wrong in his assumption.
Ehret What the hell happened to Matt Ehret?? Has he always had this insane negative attitude about President Trump?
Election Fraud why has all the activity relating to fraus law suits stopped, apparently. Isn`t there plenty of proof the was election fraud? The servers, the German “insident”, testimonies, videos, analytical data, statiscal data, etc, ?
Election Fraud If Fraudulent Elections can be “Legalized Forever by Law” [see web link enclosed] Does This Mean: [A.] All free & fair elections can be “Forever Lost,” thereby permanently enslaving most Americans[?] [B.] Is the only remaining option for those who want freedom is to move to a TEXAS county with a Constitutional Sheriff[?] [C.] By –APRIL 1, 2020–Do you expect the following could be possible[?] [#1]–Military Does NOTHING– to stop “Foreign Occupation” Example=> Military allows “Mock Pres” Biden, to continue “waging war” against the Constitution & Bill of Rights with increasing “Destruction” of all Freedom for Americans… [#2] Passage of Democratic Bill H.R.1 For The Peoples Act of 2021… “Legalizing Fraudulent Elections, Forever?”
Electoral Fraud How did the democrat's manage to cheat on a republican stronghold state?
Fake Oval Office Everyone is assuming the oval office set (if fake) is in L.A. I did extra work on 2 episodes of The House of Cards tv series shot in BALTIMORE – less than an hour north of DC. There is a 300,000 sq ft warehouse wherein they had built a brilliant recreation of the Oval Office, as well as sets for both houses of Congress. They may have still been standing, or easily re-erected. No need to go to Los Angeles – just drive up the road. I'm planning on taking a trip up this week to see if there is a military presence around the facility. If so, we know that they are all in custody and everything we see is theater.
False Flag Could you please elaborate on what radiological false flag you expect in Las Vegas, perhaps timeline etc. I live here and provide EP services for HNW individuals. This could be essential.
Financial Research I heard you say several times you are not a financial advisor. Can you please give a suggestion on reliable resources to aid in doing my own research?
History do you think that the history books will be rewritten and the truth be told of how the cabal and modern banking systems have controlled the world?
IRS What is the legal status of the Treasury/IRS regarding disbursements/collections during the Interregnum?
Israel just saw your video iwth Harry Vox. My worst fear is that he is right. Do you still beleive that the military will intervene?
Jewish Question what is the difference between Israel and Jerusalem and Judaism—I'm hearing Judaism is a cult of Satan ?
Licensed to Steal Has anybody in the Reddit group that turned the tables on the Gamestop naked short sellers given your “Licensed to Steal” site any credit for bringing this particular Wall Street crime to Main Street's attention?
Lone Ranger Lone Ranger or intrinsic part of whatever operation is ongoing? If Lone Ranger, can you see a scenario where he could involuntarily and inadvertently derail some plans in his zeal to disclose too much information too fast?
McConnell Are you acquaintances with Field McConnell?
MedBeds what is medved and how does it work?
Medical Rights Can you give a Veteran who is determined to live out his natural remaining years any advice for keeping his and his wife's medical rights intact without ending up in the street homeless with no medical care ? Point Blank, we (My Wife and myself) have both vowed to die before capitulating to becoming genetically engineered slaves of the Satanic pedophiles, who long ago decided humanity was their property ?
Military Are some members of the top level military also members of the Cabal , or is there now a unity or at least a majority loyal to the constitution and to duty under military code of justice re: foreign election interference? Are they truly not allowing Biden access to military intel , etc ?
Military Will we expect to see any kind of movement by the military to remove Biden and his followers in the next couple of weeks? I hope and pray we get thru this swiftly.
Military Hello, I didn't hear this question being addressed. I hear much about this military code that obligates them to take over the government if the civilian government becomes “belligerent”. I can't seem to find that specific code in my search. I've been using google so maybe that's my first problem. Do you know this specific code?
MSM on Q Hi Robert MSM is putting out false information that Q followers are in disarray. They are trying to do psychological warfare on Patriots. Please tell everyone we have come full circle . we need to call on God, Spirit to bring in the future we want they are baiting us. like they did at the begnning of the pandemic.
NESARA Charlie Ward and Mel K recently claimed that NESARA is definitely happening. Is this still possible IF biden somehow stays in office? *Why didn't Trump make NESARA happen years ago?
North America Will Canada and the US become 1 country in the future !!!
Nuremberg Weren't the Nuremberg trials simply a staged event to divert attention from the WW II atrocities committed by the allied forces against the German people as well as a mechanism to establish the holocaust as an historical fact, thus adding further insult to the Germans by forcing perpetual reparations to the Zionists?
OPSEC Are we giving away the plan by talking about this openly?
Pardons why did Trump not sign off with a statement of intent by pardoning Assange, Snowden?
Pardons Why did President Trump not pardon Assange and Snowden?
Predictions Robert what happened? EVERYTHING that Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and YOU predicted would take place – did not! Many peoples hopes and dreams rested on what was said by the 3 of you – now our lives are shattered!
Q I do feel that Q is numbering these reports to send signals and dates FOR THOSE WHO IS IN THE “KNOW”. And i have a question. Pure logic tells me that “The Dark Side” is listening to them as well. we are not in a danger at all, I can feel. No doubts that Clowns are trying to read between the lines as well. Do You have any thoughts about it
Q Please discuss the BOLSHEVIK PSY-OP of 1920's and how it could be used against us PATRIOTS.
Q Fraud In David Icke's most recent video (posted on or before 1/20) he declares that both “Q” and Charlie Ward are on the dark side. What are your thoughts on this?
ROKU Can I now watch the current pod casts on ROKU? rather than my lap top? I so hope so
Rothschild I have a question regarding the reporting of the death of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild on 16 Jan 2021 in MSM. This OS report came at the time we were all expecting some action to go down regarding the cabal. My question is, do you place any weight on the sourcing, timing, relevancy or validity? Is he relative to the take down of the cabal? If so, is he really dead? Did he flee? Or, did someone kill him? Or is this what went wrong? This seems like a very important target in the scheme of things.
SecDef I'm unsure of Biden's new Sec Defense appt , what is happening to Christopher Miller and the FEMA chief Trump appointed?
Social Ads I have an online business that works with facebook ads and google ads .. What will happen to social media if the plan will be implemented?
Stock Market How will the financial reset effect the stocks we and others own. I have a partner who is not awake yet and loves the Stock Market.
Term Limits Do you think term limits and doing away with retirement benefits will take place after the arrest?
Texas Why go to Texas? It's where they shot JFK and Bush lives there. Austin riots. Just as corrupt.
Trump Deal Is there a chance Trump scored deals with some CB members in gov years ago and gave them the gift of a few more years in exchange for the info and future countermove Intel? Seems like that’s the only way to have this all locked up and we’re just now watching the socialization of the happenings with society. Would love your thoughts.
Trump Strategy Can you talk more about what strategy you are seeing from Trump and his supporters, now that Biden has been installed as the head of the government?
UK When will this corrupt U.K. Gov. be arrested ? U.K. citizens have suffered too long under these unelected + unanswerable D.S. dictators. Their latest plan is to keep us under national lockdown until the end of March ! ?
Vatican Assets If Italy, in a plea deal to save itself, allowed our Military to claim the assets of the Vatican bank (and I've read there have been hundreds of our military planes flying back to the US with these assets), then who exactly is minding the riches? Obviously it would be kept out of the purview of the Biden Admin, but how can the military justify holding on to those assets indefinitely? What am I missing?
Vibrations What do you know, if anything about the current use of vibrations, either as a weapon for good or bad, in Northern Virginia?