William Binney: Thin Thread – Signals Intelligence Within the Rule of Law

General Observation: I assume you knew something about Thinthread from your work as a government [employee or] contractor; but, you probably did not get the truth about the TT Program. I have attached an article written about TT by Diane Roark. Plus, TT was not abandoned back then. The software is what they are using …

Freedom Articles: 20 Ex-Intelligence Officers Honored for Confronting the US Military-Intelligence Complex

Includes list of 17 intelligence agencies or branches, and excellent write-ups on each of 20 individuals (19 US, 1 UK). A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1   A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 2 List below …

Event: The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK: Lessons for Donald Trump? — Reston, VA, Saturday 3 June 2017, All Day, $99 — Includes Ron Paul and Oliver Stone as Speakers

The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK:  Lessons for Donald Trump? The Future of Freedom Foundation, a Libertarian organization, is offering a tremendous conference on 3 June 2017, a Saturday, in Reston, VA at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott. The ballroom can accommodate 275, there are 50 seats left at $99, with Ron Paul …