Wikileaks Round II (Iraq) Rolling Update 20101105

NOTICE: Within DoD, at least all elements of the Army as well as the Marine Corps Reserve have been given direct, unqualified, written orders not to access the Wikileaks site or read the Wikileaks document via any Government **OR** non-Government computer.  This Rolling Update complies with the DoD guidance. Friday 5 November 2010 WikiLeaks Incidents May …

Secrecy News: Costs of Major US Wars, Contractors in Iraq & AF, Drones & Homeland Sec

COSTS OF MAJOR U.S. WARS COMPARED More than a trillion dollars has been appropriated since September 11, 2001 for U.S. military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.  This makes the “war on terrorism” the most costly of any military engagement in U.S. history in absolute terms or, if correcting for inflation, the second most expensive …

Event: 16 Jan 10 DC Demonstration Against CIA Drone Deaths with Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan

FACEBOOK DELETES INVITE TO CIA DRONE PROTEST By Brenda Norrell Cindy Sheehan said Facebook deleted an invitation to the CIA Drone Protest in Langley, Virginia, scheduled for 1 pm to 4 pm Jan. 16, 2010. Sheehan said “the CIA is becoming overly involved in terrorizing populations.” Sheehan joins a powerhouse of women activists to lead …