Paper Tiger: China is Bluffing on Tariffs, Time to Invite Others to Bid UPDATE 1 Graphics Added

Alert Reader based in China and heavily invested in Chinese manufacturing brokerage reports that Trump tariffs are exactly what has been needed to bring the Chinese to the table so as to correct the imbalance that may have been fair 30 years ago but is grossly unfair to US companies and workers now. He reports …

Worth a Look: Nathalie: Confessions of a Fashion Model Mind-Control Sex Slave — Review by Henry Makow

Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice by Henry Makow Ph.D.    Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another “alter.” She …

#UNRIG Phase II — The Year of the Independent UPDATE 1

#UNRIG Phase II – The Year of the Independent SHORT URL: Forthcoming in Independent Voter Network UPDATE 1: now open. 435 groups, one for each Congressional District, twice as good as MeetUp at a quarter of the price. Context Phase I of #UNRIG,[1] in which I teamed up with Cynthia McKinney to offer the …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag a Hybrid (Innocent Drill, Rogue Mass Murder Unit)? UPDATE 23 Paddock Girlfriend Worked for FBI

I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial  and political aspects. UPDATE 23: 25 August 2018. Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly …

Review: A Benevolent Dictator – Restoring America to Primacy and Prosperity in One Year

Marlin Thompson Worth a Look — Ideas for Trump Against the Deep State The premise of this book is that a dictator is the most efficient and effective form of government, if you get a good one. Examples are King David in Israel in the Old Testament and General Douglas McArthur in post-war Japan. While …