Stephen E. Arnold: Time as Analytic Factor — Recorded Future, Google, and CyberOSINT

Recorded Future: Google and Cyber OSINT EXTRACT: CyberOSINT relies on automated collection, analysis, and report generation. In order to make sense of data and information crunched by an NGIA system, time is a really key metatag item. To figure out time, a system has to understand: 1) The date and time stamp; 2) Versioning (previous, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Finding Books — the Failure of Amazon, Google, and Commercial Catalogs — Findability Zero…

Finding Books: Not Much Has Changed Three or four years ago I described what I called “the book findability” problem. The audience was a group of confident executives trying to squeeze money from an old school commercial database model. Here’s how the commercial databases worked in 1979. . . . . . . What the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Salon Says Google Makes Us Stupid… PBI: We Think We Make Google Stupid!

Overreliance on Search Engines? The article titled Google Makes Us All Dumber: The Neuroscience of Search Engines probes the ever-increasing reliance on search engines and finds that the way we use them is problematic. This is due to the way our brains respond to this simplified question and answer process. The article stipulates that …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Being Sued for Search Malfeasance

Google Not Accurate in Search Results I read “Is Google Responsible for Delivering Accurate – And Truthful – Search Results?” The main idea of the write up is that at least one person perceives Google’s search results as “riddled with lies, deception, even criminal intent.” Google? My goodness. A locksmith is taking Google to court …