Stephen E. Arnold: EU Concludes Google is Hurting the Internet

Quote to Note: Users Want Relevant Results October 6, 2014 I highlighted this remarkable, earth shaking statement from “Google+ Is Hurting the Internet.” Here’s the passage: …they [users] prefer to get the most relevant results. The information appears in a Web page presenting “objective study results” conducted for a European group. The target is poor, …

Stephen E. Arnold: How the NYT (and Google) Imploded — Bad Management, Static Content, Piecemeal Kludging

New York Times Online: An Inside View Check out the presentation “The Surprising Path to a Faster” I was surprised at some of the information in the slide deck. First, I thought the New York Times was first online in the 1970s via LexisNexis. I thought that was an exclusive deal and reasonably profitable …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bilingual Search Engine YaSabe Sets a New Gold Standard — Will Baidu and Yandex Notice and Further Bury Google’s Shallow Sponsored English Search?

Bilingual Search Engine YaSabe Sees Growth through Word of Mouth and Media Partnerships The article on Elevation DC titled Herndon-Based Bilingual Search Engine Expands Reach covers the growth of YaSabe, the Spanish and English search engine helping Spanish-speaking Americans find the information they need. The search engine actually finds data that is English and translates …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Search Implodes — Loss of Integrity in Every Respect

Google and Universal Search or Google Floudering with Search There have been some experts who have noticed that Google has degraded blog search. In the good old days, it was possible to query Google’s index of Web logs. It was not comprehensive, and it was not updated with the zippiness of years past. Search Engine …