Gold Transformer: US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea

US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea First the US fanfared the placement of two F-22 Raptors in the Osan airbase of South Korea. Then it demonstratively launched a B-2 stealth bomber on a training mission over a South Korean gunnery range. Then it deployed an anti-ballistic missile defense system …

Winslow Wheeler: GAO (A Legislative Entity) Plays Courtesan to Lockheed, DoD, and the Congressional Recipients of Lockheed Largesse + F-35 RECAP

DOD is circling the wagons to keep the F-35 propped up in the declining Pentagon budget.  Importantly, as noted by a prime Lockheed mouthpiece offering his thankfulness for it, GAO’s newest report on the F-35 offers a conclusion that the F-35 is on track for improvement–the data notwithstanding.  In point of fact, what the GAO conclusion …

Mini-Me: Murder of 9/11 Author & Former Pilot — and Kids, and Dog

Author works on new 9/11 book, winds up dead in the desert Open Salon, 27 February 2013 The author of a recent book that questions the official story of 9/11 was found dead earlier this month–along with his teen-age son and daughter and the family dog–at their home in the desert community of Murphys, California. …

Chuck Spinney: Buy Before You Fly … How to Suck Money During Sequestration […Legalized Treason?]

The joint-service F-35 strike fighter is the Pentagon’s largest program. In fact, it is the most expensive procurement program in the Pentagon’s history.  It is also an unfolding disaster that is well documented, but of almost unimaginable proportions.  And yet, the F-35 is impervious to budget cutbacks in sequesterland.  Not surprisingly, among the cognoscenti of …

Chuck Spinney: Killing America – Government Specifications Cost Plus

Note to readers: this blaster contains two clearly marked inserts that were not in my Time essay.  Also, in introducing Seymour Melman’s important work below, I should have mentioned that it was Melman’s considered belief in the possibility of putting together a political coalition to facilitate the conversion of the defense industry to civilian production. …

David Isenberg: The True Cost (Locally) of Military Strikes Against Iranian Nuclear Targets + Iran Nuclear Meta-RECAP

The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran By David Isenberg TIME Battleland | October 18, 2012 For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, …

David Isenberg: Secret Contracting – Totally Beyond the Reach of Inspectors-General

The use of private contractors is not just for the Pentagon or the State Department. It is also for that frequently crashing collection of agencies euphemistically known as the intelligence community (IC). I have written previously on this but let’s consider some of the costs of using contractors in the IC. The following is taken …