Phil Giraldi: The Anti-Semitism Scam to Censor Anti-Zionism

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam “An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”– Joe Sobran The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done “Anti-Semitic”…”its a …

Mike Adams: Fake News front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media

Fake news front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media NewsGuard is not designed to protect the public from fake news, but rather, to instill obedience to the mainstream media propaganda machine and begin the normalization of censorship. This isn’t just a war …

Berto Jongman: YouTube Censoring 9/11 Truthers

YouTube Tweaks Algorithm to Fight 9/11 Truthers, Flat Earthers, Miracle Cures For “miracle cures” read “alternative natural healing.” YouTube will tweak its algorithm to recommend less content that “comes close” to violating site rules, the company announced Friday. RELATED: Microsoft now conspiring with pro-Monsanto front group “NewsGuard” to censor all anti-GMO news on mobile devices

Berto Jongman: Social Media Censorship & Anti-Censorship — Twister vs. #GoogleGestapo

A Storm on the Horizon? “Twister” and the Implications of the Blockchain and Peer-to-Peer Social Networks for Online Violent Extremism “Twister,” developed by Miguel Freitas, is a social network platform centered around micro-blogging, much like Twitter. However, rather than relying on centralized servers owned and maintained by a single firm, Twister users operate a blockchain …