John Steiner: Occupy Hearts – Compassion New Currency

Compassion Is Our New Currency : Notes on 2011’s Preoccupied Hearts and Minds Rebecca Solnit, December 22, 2011. Usually at year’s end, we’re supposed to look back at events just passed — and forward, in prediction mode, to the year to come. But just look around you! This moment is so extraordinary that it …

Mini-Me: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Spanish: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC, Portuguese: Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos, French: Communauté des États Latino-Américains et Caribéens, Dutch: Gemeenschap van de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische landen) is the tentative name[1] of a regional bloc of Latin American and Caribbean nations created on February …

Mini-Me: Cuba-Venezuela Unite the South – CELAC

Gringos?  We don’t need no stinkin’ gringos… A Union is Born: Latin America in Revolution The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) by Eva Golinger Global Research, December 8, 2011 While much of the world is in crisis and protests are erupting throughout Europe and the United States, Latin American and Caribbean nations …

David Swansson: When the World Outlawed War – A Model for Occupy to Achieve Electoral Reform Act of 2012

When the World Outlawed War: An Interview with David Swanson For those who know war only through television, criminalizing it sounds like proposing to criminalize government. But there was a time when the masses made war illegal. Bruce E. Levine Alternet, November 21, 2011 David Swanson’s recently released book, When the World Outlawed War, tells the …

Reference (2010): Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [PDF & Full Text Online]

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time (US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010) Short URL: Below the line: full text for automated translation.  The Amazon version is published by someone else abusing my original copyright granted only to SSI. Click on cover for free PDF download, or read full text …

Chuck Spinney: From Algeria to Libya –Lessons Not Learned + USG CIA Web of Deceit in Arabia RECAP

The triumphalism in the US surrounding the liquidation of Qadaffi may be short lived.  That is because most Americans do not appreciate how the legacy of anti-colonialism shapes the contemporary cultural DNA in North Africa or how influential that legacy has been in shaping the revolts of what is now called the Arab Spring.  There …