Marcus Aurelius: Snowden NSA Revelations Piss Off Rest of Government As They Realize What They Have NOT Been Getting From NSA or CIA

Who would have thought — tragic farce aka absurdist theater? Other Agencies Clamor For Data N.S.A. Compiles By Eric Lichtblau and Michael S. Schmidt New York Times, August 4, 2013 , Pg. 1 WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency’s dominant role as the nation’s spy warehouse has spurred frequent tensions and turf fights with other …

Search: NATO SOCOM Open Source Agency

This is an emerging possibility.  Below is the original but newly revised link on the Open Source Agency.  Central to the revision is the growing understanding within NATO, SOCOM, and AFRICOM that “traditional” C2 (proprietary) and “traditional” intelligence (secret) are Dead on Arrival (DOA).  The new meme within official circles is Alternative C2 and Alternative …

Reflections on Tired Databases versus Wired Analytics + Jack Davis & Analytic Tradecraft RECAP

There are multiple analytic flaws with most source data, and particularly with any source data labeled in relation to terrorism. If Israelis have have touched the data in any way, shape, or form (especially including the software), it must be considered contaminated and severely suspect.  While I have nothing critical to say about the application …

2013 Robert Steele Reflections on [Search:] non+traditional+threat 1.2

ROBERT STEELE:  I have elected to answer this personally.  It may well be the most fundamental question this web site has received in that any corruption in the answer to this question assures the failure of any strategy, policy, acquisition, or operation that is spawned from an inherently corrupt — a deliberately corrupt — refusal …

Search: strategic open source information

This is still the single best overview with the relevant graphics. 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0 [Full Text Online] It’s not enough to focus on strategic open source information.  You have to have a strategic analytic model, a viable OSE technical solution for information-sharing and sense-making that plays well with others and scales, and …