SmartPlanet: 9 best ways to socially network your next live conference

9 best ways to socially network your next live conference By Joe McKendrick | April 16, 2013, 7:07 PM PDT While social networks and technology have made it possible for anyone on the globe to connect and learn electronically, there is still a need for onsite conferences. There’s an immeasurable value to connecting with colleagues …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (8:21) Dare to Imagine – Insprinig Short Video on Social Entrepreneurship

Confucius:  “more than enough is too much” Ariana Huffington: “the decision-makers are not acting in the best interests of the public” Voice Over: “socio-economic evolution out of synch with natural evolution” Joichi Ito: “frugal engineering happens in the absence of abundance” Many good endeavors still working in silos.  Sharing and cross fertilization not there yet. …

Penguin: Commercial Co-Optation (Corruption) of Civil Rights & Non-Profits Across USA — and Mayor Bloomberg Did the Right Thing?

This trend is about to continue and we can expect more and more technological solutions that are tailored to the HLS needs. In many cases the industries, especially in Israel, “teach” the market what it needs. This may look a twisted process, but it is not. On the contrary, This is a very healthy trend …

Berto Jongman: CIA on How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb Materials — and LBJ Covered It Up

CIA: Mossad agent, Rafi Eitan, “obtained” enriched uranium from the U.S. to produce Israel’s nuclear bomb FBI and CIA Documents claim: Israel has achieved the ability to produce a nuclear bomb after receiving approximately 260 kilograms of enriched uranium from the NUMEC plants, owned by the Jewish-American Zalman Shapiro. According to his testimony in 1981, …

Bonnie Hoffhof: GIS and Agent-Based Modeling – GeoSocial Guage

Over the last couple of months we have been working on getting our GeoSocial Gauge system up and running. The idea behind the website is to bring together social media and geographical analysis to monitor and explore people’s views, reactions, and interactions through space and time. It takes advantage of the emergence of social media …