Reference: Hacking Humanity & Open Everything

This provides single place where all four Hacking Humanity versions can be accessed easily, along with core Open, Amazon, and Multinational Briefings. Chapter on Hacking Humanity (Denmark Book) 2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark) Briefing with Q&A on Hacking Humanity (NYC Hackers on Planet Earth) …

Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)

Army Times article, second below, reports what the beginning of what I expect will be a major decline in functionality of Army computer systems.  While some sort of institutional response to the alleged Wikileaks traitor, Specialist Bradley Manning, is appropriate, I don’t think this is it.  This is a simplistic approach, the sort of thing …

NATO on YouTube: Selective Summaries (5)

NATO You-Tube Front Page Phi Beta Iota Summary: Where should NATO go on out-of-area expeditionary operations?  How does NATO define security & stability?  How does NATO achieve balance between territorial defense and expeditionary operations, and between the voice of the big nations and the small nations?  What is defense?  What is 360 degree defense in …

Review: Making Learning Whole–How Seven Principles of Teaching can Transform Education

Beyond 5–SPECTACULAR–Integrative & Inspiring, August 17, 2010 David Perkins I bumped this book to the front of the line after reading the galley of Reflexive Practice: Professional Thinking for a Turbulent World which in turn bumped The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education that I had half-finished. The three together make for …

Review: Eaarth–Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

Starts Weak, Ends Strong, Not the Whole Picture July 21, 2010 Bill McKibben EDIT of 2 August 2010: However great the mind or the man, we all make mistakes. Paul Hawkins made his with Monsanto, I’ve made mine. ClimateGate established with clarity the fraud associated with both the fabricated science and the intended “sub-prime mortgaging” …