John Robb: ROI for 9/11 Attacks 10 Million to One….

September 11: Counting the Costs to America Al Jazeera, 1 September 2011 $5 trillion, and counting Osama bin Laden spoke often of a strategy of “economic warfare” against the United States, a low-level war aimed at bankrupting the world’s economic superpower.  A decade after the 9/11 attacks, it’s hard to argue that bin Laden’s strategy …

Chuck Spinney: Joseph Stiglitz on Needed Fiscal Policy

In addition to making the United States a global laughing stock, last month’s dismaying political circus over what used to be routine legislation to increase the debt ceiling solidified the “let them eat cake” politics among the courtiers and plutocrats calling the shots from behind the curtains in the hall of mirrors that is Versailles on the …

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Precedent works: Project for a New American Century Post-Event Illuminations: 2006  Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror 2007 Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years” From Niels Groeneveld at Facebook: VIDEO:  9/11 Attack or Godsend (German and British Ministers) Decision to Invade Afghanistan …

Chuck Spinney: Grand Strategy Analysis of 9/11 Blow-Back

An excellent grand-strategic analysis of last 10 years. September 1, 2011 9/11 Blowback By H.D.S. GREENWAY Historians will label the events of that September morning 10 years ago as the most destructive act of terrorism ever committed up to that time. But I suspect they will also judge America’s last decade as one of history’s …

Chuck Spinney: Bin Laden, Perpetual War, Total Cost + Perpetual War RECAP

Osama bin Laden repeatedly said that his strategy for defeating the US and driving it out of the Middle East was to bankrupt the US by suckering it into a string expensive of never ending small wars. Osama may be dead, but the US remains locked in a state of perpetual wars abroad and shrinking …