Marcus Aurelius: White House Has Two Strikes With Marine Corps — Could It Be Time for a Professional National Security Advisor in Lieu of a Party / Public Relations Flack?

This is the antecedent to my previous post on Gen. Mattis. The administration’s mishandling of Marine Gen. James Mattis Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Friday, January 18, 2013 – 9:50 AM Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Military Policy Record

Omaha World-Herald, January 20, 2013 Chuck Hagel Military Policy Views On The Record By Paul Goodsell and Joseph Morton, World-Herald Staff Writers Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel faces a Jan. 31 confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee for his appointment by the president as secretary of defense. During his 12 years in the …

Reflections on the Inability of Washington to Think with Integrity

Power corrupts, no doubt about it.  What most people miss is that it is not just about financial corruption that explicitly mis-directs scarce resources to benefit the few over the many (with Congress taking its standard 5% kick-back for delivering earmarks).  Power also corrupts intellect.  People forget how to think.  They begin talking among themselves, …

Review (DVD): Dark Legacy — Compelling Public Indictment of George Bush Senior as CIA Lead for Assassination of John F. Kennedy

John Hankey 5.0 out of 5 stars Six Star Special — Poetic, Compelling — Sufficient to Indict George Bush Sr., January 18, 2013 I have reviewed a number of the non-fiction books about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and received this film as a gift from an Amazon reader who appreciated my book reviews. …

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook, Israel’s “Art Students” in Purple Van, Greenwich Safehouse, Nurse’s False Testimony — Four Competing Narratives

Huh? Obama “Gun Address” Misses Real Terrorism Threat by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Despite attempts to blame a seemingly endless group of lunatic mass murderers for the equally endless number of devastating mass killings now plaguing the United States, our government, our “protectors” and, most damnably, our president, are failing to react to real terror attacks …

Daniel Ellsberg: Secrecy vs. Whistleblowing in a Democracy

Secreacy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg Huffington Post repritned from Social Research, 13 January 2013 I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government — the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors — there is less …