Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al

Huh? UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2012-03-07  Lyndon Johnson was bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother – Ray Hill read LBJ’s sexual history interview at the Kinsey Institute in the mid 1960’s 2012-10-16  Madeleine Brown, LBJ & Driskill Hotel – 12/31/63 2012-01-28  Bibliography of 1000 Books to read on the JFK Assassination, aka 1963 Coup d’Etat …

Berto Jongman: Stronger Signals US Planning False-Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

Sorcha Faal (David Booth) is a know frabricator with a gift for surfacing and connecting dots that merit attention. Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia A grim Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin confirming the validity of the just released hacked emails of the British based defence company, Britam Defence, …

Penguin: Has America Become an Authoritarian State?

Macro-analysis.  But it is absolutely essential to understanding how it works. Has America Become an Authoritarian State? On the destruction of our democracy. January 25, 2013  | The debate in both Washington and the mainstream media over austerity measures, the alleged fiscal cliff and the looming debt crisis not only function to render anti-democratic pressures …

NIGHTWATCH: French Advance, Islamic Militant Tourism Up, Touaregs Discover Government Better than Islamists

Mali: On the fourth day of the French military action in Mali, Islamist rebels seized another town in southern Mali, but were driven out of Konna. French officials said Diabaly, 400km (250 miles) from the capital, Bamako, was taken in a counter-attack. French aircraft continued to bomb rebel gathering areas in the north and northeast. …