Bin Laden Show 13: Patraeus Silent Like a Lamb, Jim Corrs Redux “They Dug Him Up and Killed Him Again” — General Hamid Gul on CIA Hoax That Will Backfire

From an engaged observer in Afghanistan: Is it just me or have you seen any comments by Petraeus over the Bin Laden affair?  I haven’t to date …… interesting, the silence from Kabul……. Jim Corr Challenges Bin Laden Death Publishing his own beliefs on his page and website, he writes, “They dug him …

Search: cost of corruption + Corruption RECAP

The discussion of corruption–and the urgency of reasserting integrity–permeates this website. Here are a general comment and a few links. General comment: Corruption consists of a lack of integrity, which in turn is not just about dishonesty, but about a failure to achieve transparency, truth, trust, and accurate feedback loops.  The cost of corruption, calculated …

US Army Brainwashing Experiment

The Dark Side of “Comprehensive Soldier Fitness” Friday 1 April 2011 by: Roy Eidelson, Marc Pilisuk and Stephen Soldz, Truthout Why is the world’s largest organization of psychologists so aggressively promoting a new, massive and untested military program? The APA’s enthusiasm for mandatory “resilience training” for all US soldiers is troubling on many counts. The …

The Real “National Security Budget: $1.2 Trillion

Tomgram: Chris Hellman, $1.2 Trillion for National Security Here’s the thing: the House Republicans are going after their version of unsightly pimples on the body politic — the programs they and their billionaire sponsors find ideologically unpalatable — without seriously considering where our money really flows.  We at TomDispatch thought we might lend a hand …