Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

EDIT 4 Sep 2011: Link and misc. fixed. Dear IARPA staff- The greatest threat facing the USA is the irony inherent in our current defense posture, like for example planning to use nuclear energy embodied in missiles to fight over oil fields that nuclear energy could replace. This irony arises in part because the USA’s …

Stephen Lendman: How Wall Street Fleeces America – Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS The 1913 Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp money creation authority in violation of the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress the power to “coin Money (and) regulate the Value thereof….”  Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment, bankrolling and colluding with Congress …

DefDog: Recording Labels Simply Don’t “Get” New World

Recording Labels Sue YouTube Downloader Website, Fail To Grasp The Insignificance Of Their Actions Devin Coldewey TechCrunch, 28 August 2011 EXTRACT: The recording industry doesn’t have the most respectable history when it comes to lawsuits. Between asking for millions for trivial acts of piracy, and asking potentially for trillions in more serious cases, they’ve shown that …